Why Mondays? you ask.
Good question.
Here's the thing. Most people tend to have their free time on the weekends. They work all week, get up early and come home tired. In my case, because my schedule is so varied, my days off aren't necessarily on the weekend. In fact, 50% of the time I end up working over the weekend (like today).
Originally I had planned to update on Sundays, then realised the error of my ways. See, on days when I work I could probably manage to post an entry here (like now). The problem arises when I'm NOT working. Bean is home on weekends, you see, which means that all my time and energy is spent either making sure he's not injuring himself (or the pets) or dealing with his constant demands for attention. Bean is an extrovert, and he is incapable of playing quietly by himself about 90% of the time. He wants me or his mother (or preferably both) not only with him at all times, but actively engaged in whatever activity he's currently involved in. Needless to say, this makes blogging in any meaningful way difficult in the extreme.
Once Bean has gone to bed, I spend that time with my girlfriend.That means that I can't just ignore her in favour of typing away at the computer.
Mondays are, all around, a better day. On days when I'm working, there's no problem. I won't be interrupted, because there's no one around to interrupt. When I'm home, Bean and my girlfriend are both at school--all day in his case, and for half the day in hers. That gives me several hours alone at home in which I can get stuff like this done.
I actually have quite a few personal goals that I'm putting in place for the New Year (though I'm starting now--no time like the present, am I right?). I'll likely be talking about that a lot here, since some of it involves improving my own mental state, especially when it comes to Bean and some of the problems I perceive with his behaviour. Since I'm not in a position to change him (for reasons I'll get into in a different post), the only thing I can change is my own reaction.
I've also been very low on energy and patience for the past few months, and I think my parenting is not good as a result. Therefore I want to change my thinking and my attitude so that I can be a better step-parent to Bean. He's a high-energy kid, and I don't want to feel resentful or exasperated whenever he gets loud and demanding and screechy and whiny. Instead I would prefer to react with patience and try to work with what we've got. This is especially true for the mornings. I consider myself a morning person, but even though Bean is an early riser, he tends to have multiple tantrums/meltdowns throughout the morning over small things (breakfast, going to the bathroom, getting dressed), and sometimes it's all I can do to make myself get out of bed because I simply. don't. want. to. deal. with. that. I like having quiet mornings with coffee and just getting the day started on the right foot, and having to fight with our preschooler the entire time makes for an unpleasant morning in the extreme. I realise I'm digressing, so I shall cut that paragraph short. I'll get into it another day.
I have also decided that part of the reason I'm so short of patience these days may be indirectly related to the internet. I spend far too much time noodling aorund online. So part of my new goals is to only spend limited and focused time on the internet. Writing for the blog will be part of that, but I am no longer going to simply have my browser/Twitter/whatever open to check every three seconds to see if someone has updated. The instant gratification is very strong, and it means I'm not spending time on other, more important things. So part of my strategy will be to not have the computer on at all when my family is at home. This will be difficult at first, but I think it will ultimately be a good thing for me, to devote all my attention to them and not divide it with online stuff in the interim.
That's it for now. I may write a proper, structured entry tomorrow, or I may wait until next Monday, depending on how much time I have tomorrow after running errands and whether or not I can make all my ideas come together in time for a coherent post.
In unrelated news, Angel the Alien gave me a Liebster award on her blog, which was lovely! http://diaryofanalien1. blogspot.com/2013/11/i-got- liebster-award-no-not-lobster. html
I'm afraid I don't read enough other blogs to be able to nominate anyone right now, but I am so pleased she thought of me! :)
Thanks for reading!
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